Gothic Martha Stewart: starting, shopping, motifs, projects, resources, notes

Drying Roses
  • fresh roses
  • pushpins
  • rubber bands or string
  • hair spray
  • silica gel (optional)
  • plastic container (optional)
Try to get to the roses just before the heads start to droop and before they've lost any petals. Remove leaves around the bottom of the stem. Take two or three roses and gently twist a rubber band or string around them near the stem, making a very loose bunch. Push a pushpin into a wall that's out of the way of people and pets, preferably near a heating vent but not facing a window. Hook the rose bunch onto the pushpin with the rubberband. Wait about two weeks until the roses are completely dry. Lightly spray each flower with hair spray so it doesn't fall apart.

This simple drying method will cause the roses to shrivels somewhat and the color will darken. Bright red roses usually become the color of dried blood, while white roses become a yellowy parchment color. If you wish to preserve the color, size, and shape of the fresh rose, you will need to completely immerse the rose in a plastic container of silica gel, which is available from craft stores. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully and keep the gel in a safe place away from food and pets.

Dried roses can be used singly or in bunches in vases, jars, or bottles. Or gather bunches together with wide ribbon and hang on the wall or work them into bed hangings. You can also snip off the heads and hot glue them onto things like jewelry boxes, picture frames, wreaths, straw hats, etc. Or dry just the rose petals and make your own potpourri for sachets or around the house.

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